Identifying an oriental venomous snake.
We often search for the techniques to differentiate the
venomous and non-venomous snake. The result we found are mostly describing that
the snake with triangular head and vertical eyes is venomous, and the rest are
non-venomous. This technique is not suitable for oriental as well as African
snake. It is useful for Europe and American snakes, as these countries consist
of only venomous viper. Triangular head and vertical eyes are the
characteristics of a venomous snake. There are so many medically important
snakes present, excluding vipers, in oriental and African region. So, the techniques
can be atrocious for enthusiast and can cause accident for
misidentification. There are simply no
easy techniques for identifying venomous snake. It is better to have an idea on
venomous snake in your area.
Here are some techniques to identify a venomous snake of
oriental region.
- Hooded snakes are venomous. Ex: cobra (Naja), king cobra: (Ophiophagus hannah).
Indian Cobra © King Cobra ©
- Vipers are venomous.
They consist of triangular head and vertical eyes. They are relatively
bulky. Ex: Green Pit Viper (Trimeresurus). Russell’s viper (Daboia
Russelii) is often misidentified as a baby python.
White-lipped pit viper © Russell’s viper © Azizul Islam Barkat Kraits are venomous. They consist of round head and pupil. They can be totally black with white ventral portion or black with white or yellow bands. Ex: common krait, black krait, banded krait.
Common krait ©
Greater black krait ©
- Banded krait ©
- Sea snakes are always venomous. They hardly bite
a man.
Coral snakes are venomous. They are short, thin and very colorful. Their occurrence is very rare. Hence, they are medically less significant.
Department of Zoology
University of Dhaka.
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